multiplication factor

英 [ˌmʌltɪplɪˈkeɪʃn ˈfæktə(r)] 美 [ˌmʌltɪplɪˈkeɪʃn ˈfæktər]




  1. In response, the device sends the current value of the multiplication factor to the controller over the channel called factor.
  2. This causes the device to double the current multiplication factor, reset the alarm using the current timer value as the base, and go back to waiting for the next event.
  3. And we've used a relatively simplistic term called Neutron Multiplication Factor which is the K that if the K equals one the neutron population is steady as is the fission rate.
  4. It means that the higher the frequency of CCM is, the smaller the charge multiplication factor is.
  5. On the basis of the introduced experimental information, the process of calculating the effective multiplication factor of MOX fuel experimental reactors using MCNP is introduced.
  6. Different methods for computing crowd multiplication factor are compared and improvement advice is presented.
  7. N It takes discrete values, multiples of some integer n, and the multiplication factor is the ratio of the Planck constant divided by2 pi where n takes one, two, three and so on.
  8. Static Huffman coding is carried out with the wavelet level, the multiplication factor, the number, values and positions of high-frequency coefficients, the number of primary data, and the end identifiers.
  9. Rather more factors such as economic, environment and hydrology should be taken into account to confirm sewage closure multiplication factor and can hardly be quantitative analyzed.
  10. Considering the inversion of the source term for neutron transport in such as fission reaction, the numerical solution of the effective multiplication factor related to k-eigenvalue problem is investigated.
  11. For reactors loaded with fuel assemblies of different burnup, the evaluation model can te used to calculate core physical parameters such as core neutron multiplication factor, burnup increment, etc.
  12. During the running in phase, the value of k eff ( effective multiplication factor) varies within narrow range and the peak specific burnup of fuel does not exceed 100 GWd/ t.
  13. Research of Effective Neutron Multiplication Factor and Neutron Flux Distribution for Accelerator Driven Sub-Critical System on DF-3 Facility
  14. The expressions of ED multiplication factor and optimum coupling coefficient of the energy storage cavity are derived for the travelling wave electron linear accelerator of the constant impedance structure.
  15. Measuring multiplication factor and detection efficiency of multistep avalanche chamber
  16. The results compared well with experimental results with errors of 0.6% in the initial criticality height and 0.1% in the effective multiplication factor, k__eff.
  17. This paper analyzes the relationship between the multiplication factor and the bias of avalanche photodiodes, and presents the principle of false alarm control of the bias. The control circuit is suitable for continuous detection photoelectric systems with large temperature and background light intensity variation.
  18. In this paper, the dependences of the dark current and optical multiplication factor on temperature for InGaAs/ InGaAsP/ InP SAGM-APD have been investigated and measured.
  19. The maximal voltage multiplication factor and current transfer efficiency obtained in experiments are about 4.9 and 97%, respectively. The rise time of load current is less than 100 ns.
  20. This code can be used to solve two-dimensional few-group neutron diffusion equations, to get effective multiplication factor of reactor, distribution of neutron-flux and power.
  21. A Simple Simulation Model for Epidemic of Wheat Stem Rust(ⅰ)── Establishment of Submodels on the Daily Multiplication Factor and the Probability of Apparition
  22. In the theory analysis, the sub-critical effective neutron multiplication factor ( ks) with external neutron source and the effective neutron multiplication factor ( keff) was calculated respectively by using the normal source and critical source of MCNP code.
  23. Effects of power distribution and effective multiplication factor for core baffle width and material were analyzed.
  24. And then, the reactor geometry buckling and multiplication factor are given in output tapes.
  25. The optimal solutions have good properties, including the effective multiplication factor, peak pin power and the power distribution.
  26. While for the constrained optimization problem of maximizing the effective multiplication factor under PPP limited, the quality of the optimal solution and the search efficiency of MADS is not better than that of normal combinatorial optimization algorithms.
  27. Use a binary digital shifter replace the traditional divider in ADPLL, make the structure simple and keeps the loop gain constant when the frequency multiplication factor changes.
  28. In addition, the frequency of cooperation changing with the multiplication factor presents step structure when the noise intensity is very small, and each segment corresponds to a unique space pattern.
  29. The results of simulation show that the noise plays an inhibitory role in the emergence of cooperative behavior, and the inhibitory effect will be more obvious when the multiplication factor is smaller, it shows that the robustness of the system with small multiplication factor is poorer.